Who we are:
A company that is dedicated to providing the best contact center support you can find.
What makes us different:
Our commitment to omotenashi.
Our story (in a very small nutshell):
It was 1994, and Japan was in a recession. Finding a job was challenging enough, let alone starting a business. Despite these difficulties, Kazuaki Meguro and his wife rented out a 400 square foot office, and started a customer service business centered around what he believed the global service industry would want and need—omotenashi inspired customer service.
Fast forward two decades, and tele-net now operates from four different countries and has worked with over 700 companies. While the scale has grown tremendously, the focus is still on providing the best, omotenashi-filled service possible. tele-net is, by definition, a company that outsources customer service, but since the beginning, Kazuaki has constantly emphasized that “we are in the service industry, not the outsourcing industry.”
“We are in the service industry, not the outsourcing industry.”
We’re proud of our story and our culture. And we understand that the most important thing for you when considering partnering with us is how your customers will be taken care of. With over two decades of experience and the confidence of hundreds of companies, we want you to know that tele-net is not just any outsourcing company. We are a service-minded company, ready and willing to provide your customers with our best.